We are the Flick Family, founders of Axe Social Lounge. Our names are Erik, Emily, and Adalie.
You may be wondering, what would compel a family to open an axe lounge in Mansfield? To that we would say, Axe Social Lounge is a product of an itch we began to scratch a few years ago. We have always enjoyed talking about our big goals for life. Coming from a world of working the M-F, 8-5, we wanted something of our own, something we had complete charge of, something we could mold into our image.
We had lots of ideas over the years – most of them not great! But, one evening we bumped into a childhood friend who suggested we head to Columbus any try out this new axe throwing activity everyone had been talking about. We both immediately wondered if this could be the ticket for our new business adventure.
Fast forward to about a year and many heated “debates” later – we agreed it was time to take the risk and start our first venture together. Adalie has been our biggest cheerleader – she thinks we can do anything -- and we like to think we are setting a good example for her too. We’ve been blessed to have an abundance of love and support from our family and friends.
It is our hope Axe Social Lounge will be a place for you and all those you love to enjoy life together for many years.